Since 2014, the Research Department of the Instituto Moll has been offering internships to students from different Spanish Universities. This type of exchange between the University and the Instituto Moll give students a chance to apply the knowledge acquired throughout their years of study. Thus, these students can get used to the initial stages of an Art History research project and, at the same time, they learn not only the methodology to study paintings from Modern Age but to catalog them. Also, they cooperate in the Department’s daily tasks while they carry out their own research under supervision.
At the present time, the Instituto Moll has partnership agreements with the Autonoma University of Madrid, the University of Lleida, the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville and the Complutense University of Madrid, accepting students from the Art History BA programmes and different MA courses offered by the already mentioned universities. Nevertheless, the Instituto Moll is always open to other partnership proposals from Spanish and foreign universities as well as from prestigious research centres.
Elisa Anne Barnes Almaraz. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Laura Pastor Ballesteros. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Alfredo de la Cruz de la Rica. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Manuel Ángel Fernández Vidal. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Daniela Fernanda Jaimes Gelves. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Alejo Albares Villalba. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Alicia Lozano Comino. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid