Erasmus Quellinus. Jupiter and Callisto


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Philostrato, nº 15.

A new issue of Philostrato. Journal of History and Art, which is edited by the Instituto Moll, is already available. 

Access the table of contents and download them for free by clicking on the following link and choosing the language:


Philostrato, nº 15.

A new issue of Philostrato. Journal of History and Art, which is edited by the Instituto Moll, is already available. 

Due to maintenance work, Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte, will be inoperative from Monday, July 1 to Wednesday, the 3rd. From the 4th we will be back.


The RKD relies on the Instituto Moll to review data on Flemish and Dutch artists who have worked in Spain

Recently, the Instituto Moll, Center for Research on Flemish Painting, and the RKD, Netherlands Institute for Art History, have signed an agreement that allows the Instituto Moll in Spain to contribute information to its well-known online database. The goal is to provide updated knowledge about Flemish and Dutch artists who came to work in our country, incorporating the most recent data and bibliography on them, especially that published in Spanish.


Cultural Crossroads. Artistic Encounters between the Low Countries and Spain, 15th-17th Centuries. II- Woven Pictures

On November 8, 2024, a conference dedicated to the study of Flemish tapestries from the 15th to 17th centuries preserved in Spain will take place in Madrid. In our country, we have incredibly important collections of tapestries, thanks both to the tremendous success they enjoyed in the Modern Age and to the close relationships that united the Iberian Peninsula with the Flemish territories. Promoted by the Moll Institute and the Périer-D'Ieteren Foundation, the conference aims to analyze aspects such as their production, function, models for their creation, the artists who brought them to life, and, currently, the challenges for their conservation and restoration.

Until next June 7, proposals can be submitted from those who wish to contribute with their communications, which will last around 15-20 minutes and may be presented in Spanish, English or French.

For more information: 


Philostrato. Special Issue

The special issue of Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte, in homage to Professor Dr Matías Díaz Padrón, is already avaible.

Access the table of contents and download them for free by clicking on the following link and choosing the language: